Richard E Grant & Olivia Colman – UK Oscar hopes



UK actor Richard E Grant has received his first ever nomination for an Oscar for best supporting actor for his performance alongside Melissa McCarthy in Can You Ever Forgive Me?  He’s had a quixotic career, constantly in work but moving across the genres. He says he intends to enjoy the LA feste since he says everyone knows that Green Book’s Mahershala Ali will win in his category. But for all that he looks fairly chipper.

Born 5 May 1957 in Swaziland he grew up in southern Africa before relocating to London in his mid twenties.  He’s a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Taurus with his Venus in a charming square to Pluto and sociable trine to Jupiter in Virgo. Over the Oscars tr Pluto will be exactly trine his Jupiter which will boost his confidence and attract success. Though perhaps being nominated will be enough reward for him and lead onto other work.

Olivia Colman, 30 January 1974, is nominated for Best Actress for The Favourite, having already won a Golden Globe for the role.  She’s definitely on a roll with her Solar Arc Pluto square her Jupiter still in effect from last year; and Solar Arc Jupiter opposition her Pluto in 2019.

She’s a Sun, Jupiter, Mercury in Aquarius onto an Air Grand Trine to Saturn and Uranus – intelligent, chatty, detached. She’s also got tr Uranus square her Venus over the Oscars so a time of high emotional excitement.

2 thoughts on “Richard E Grant & Olivia Colman – UK Oscar hopes

  1. Can you ever forgive me might be the most interesting? (I’m intrigued to know what was i the Dorothy Parker forgery that made the seller ‘keep’ it as ‘true’)

  2. Surely Glenn Close deserves the Best Actress Oscar this year after six previous nominations without a win. She was brilliant in The Wife and hopefully this will be 7th time lucky for her.

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