Theresa May – the longest goodbye in history ** + Boris

The never-ending mystery of Theresa May’s leaving date just keeps on trucking. There’s still no definite date but maybe a ‘timetable’ of departure if and when something happens down the road. Not that any of the alternatives are exactly enticing – Boris, Corbyn, Farage – all too depressing to contemplate.

The cross-party talks with Corbyn have fallen to bits in failure and rancour which is no surprise since their relationship chart has a volatile, evasive, distrustful composite T Square of Neptune Saturn opposition Mars square Uranus Venus – which is being pounded this year by tr Pluto and tr Saturn.

One argument for her dither and delay is she can’t stand the prospect of Boris  replacing her and in her magical mystical imagination getting Brexit put to bed before she goes will undermine his platform.  That relationship chart isn’t much better with an aggravated Saturn opposition Jupiter Venus square Mars – with a heavily frustrated and enraged Mars being battered by tr Pluto from later this month through June – and on and off till late 2020.

Her own chart has a disempowering tr Neptune opposition the Sun/Pluto midpoint till mid August; a road-blocked tr Pluto conjunct Mars/Node from late this month till early July; then a catastrophic tr Pluto conjunct Mars/Saturn till late August – after which everything just listed above goes in reverse order through into 2020. It could happen anytime – or never.

Sooo important and soooooo boring.

Boris’s stars ahead: Upheaval in June which can be sudden adjustment to new circumstances, not always positive, though could also be an advancement. Seriously stuck and enraged in November/December. Marginally more bounce from late January 2020 for a few weeks.  Though not looking as chipper as Penny Mordaunt, the new Defence Secretary, is at that late Jan 2020 phase, on and off till late 2020.

Bob Hawke – an old style political leader


Bob Hawke, the former Australian prime minister, a charismatic character, described as a ‘rambunctious rogue’ and a consensus builder has died. He didn’t care about convention, had a reputation as a heavy drinker and womaniser and was voted in three times over eight years  in the 1980s and early 1990s – still a record for a Labor leader.

Born 9 December 1929 5.30 am Bordertown, Australia, he was a fiery Sun, Mercury, Mars conjunct in Sagittarius with Venus also in Sagittarius; and his Sun Mars in an enthusiastic and risk-taking opposition to Jupiter. His Pisces Moon opposed Neptune and squared Venus so he was designed for a public career but very scattered, quite highly strung with a predominantly Mutable chart. His Uranus was trine both his Venus and Mars – so he’d be fickle emotionally and a live wire. ius Pisces Moon opposed Neptune and squared Venus

He suited Australia with its Venus, Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter all in Sagittarius.

Bill De Blasio – minuses and pluses



Bill de Blasio, the twice elected though not hugely popular Mayor of New York, has become the umpteenth Democrat to put his name forward for the presidential nomination.

Born 8 May 1961 7.03 pm New York, he is a Sun Mercury in Taurus; with his Sun in a maverick square to Uranus and widely trine a practical Saturn in Capricorn; with a Fixed T Square of Mars in flamboyant Leo opposition Jupiter in Aquarius square Neptune in Scorpio. He has stamina and endurance, is stubborn, can be evasive with such a strong Neptune.

He looks totally jammed up and frustrated over coming months with his Solar Arc Pluto square his Mars, exact in six months, and taking time to wind down on the far side of that.

But for all that he’s looking quite chipper at points with tr Uranus conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint this month, and square his Jupiter July to September which brings lucky breaks; and that latter influence repeats through 2020 and is exact for a final time over the 2021 Inauguration. I’d reckon the Mars Pluto would knock him out and he was always a long shot anyway. But he’s definitely pleased about something and there are some fair winds blowing behind him at points.

Pic: Kevin Case.

Australia – another political dog fight



Another country sinking into a political morass is Australia up for electoral grabs this weekend. The incumbent PM Scott Morrison leads a coalition split by infighting and the opposition, who used to be ahead in the polls, now sliding back to be neck and neck, with the Murdoch press making an ill judged and tasteless attack on Bill Shorten, the not-very-popular opposition leader’s deceased mother.

Both are Sun Taurus with the tr Saturn Pluto trine give or take a degree or two. Scott Morrison, 13 May 1968 has a weighed-down tr Saturn trine Pluto; a couple of minor transiting Jupiter uplifts and a devastating tr Pluto square his Neptune/Pluto picking up in the final ten days of this month.

Bill Shorten, 12 May 1967, has tr Saturn trine his Sun and Uranus which could be stabilising and progressive; and does have his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto which is definitely good news and it moves on to conjunct his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and then Pluto over the next couple of years which all looks successful. But he’s also got tr Saturn opposing his Sun/Uranus and then Sun/Pluto through this month which looks stuck now and in the aftermath with a nerve wracked tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Neptune picking up later this month.

So the usual hotch potch. If anything Shorten has more pluses.

Alabama – Saturn Pluto writ large – cold-hearted, bleak ** Roe v Wade



Alabama, has approved the most far-reaching effort in the USA this year to curb abortion rights in all cases including rape and incest, except where the mother’s life is at serious risk. It criminalizes the procedure for doctors, who could be charged with felonies and face up to 99 years in prison. It now moves to the desk of the female Republican Governor who is expected to support it. Opponents have vowed to challenge the measure in federal court if it becomes law. But it’s being seen as the first shot across the bows of Roe v Wade with Brett Kavanaugh now on the Supreme Court.

Alabama, 14 December 1819, was a former slave state, known as the “cotton state” and until relatively recently still had Jim Crow legislation to disenfranchise African-American residents, so it’s pretty died-in-the-wool dinosaur territory.

No surprises it became a state when a repressive Saturn Pluto was in place in Pisces square the Sagittarius Sun Uranus Neptune and trine the Scorpio Moon – bleak, unyielding, cold-hearted, fanatical, violent, power hungry.

It looks on edge (which could be for any number of reasons) come June this year with tr Uranus square its Mars, repeating into 2020; and is on a swampy Neptunian slide downhill from 2021 onwards for several years as tr Neptune squares the Sun and is then square Uranus and conjunct Saturn and Pluto till the mid 2020s.  Neptunian can be healing, will certainly soften or at least undermine the state’s rigid defences.

One of the orchestrators of this move is Eric Johnston of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, 22 January 1948 St Louis, Missouri.  Unsurprisingly he’s also got a Saturn Pluto conjunction in his case the leading planets of an ideologically driven Air Grand Trine of Mercury in Aquarius trine Neptune trine a Gemini Moon, formed into a Kite.

His high hopes look dashed in 2020/2021 (again could be for any number of reasons) as tr Neptune squares his Jupiter; and that is followed by a series of major setback Solar Arcs through till 2022/23.

NB: To be noted. Appalling though the Alabama vote has been, even if enacted, it isn’t as draconian as the Northern Ireland abortion laws which are a total obscenity.

ROE V WADE Post: NOVEMBER 14 2016 Roe versus Wade which was the landmark US ruling asserting a woman’s right to have an abortion up to the time of foetal viability was agreed on 22 January 1973. It now looks to be at risk of being overturned with a new pro-life (and pro-gun!) right-wing administration.

There is concern writ large on this chart at the moment from tr Saturn conjunct the Mars exactly now and tr Neptune square the Saturn and Mars through 2017/2019. 2018/19 look to be the danger points with ferocious argument from tr Uranus square Uranus in 2018 as well as a disappointing Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Jupiter; and then in 2019 a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Sun as well as a disruptive upheaval from tr Pluto square the Uranus. If it is was ever going to be overturned this looks like the time  – though it did survive through the early 1990s triple conjunction in Capricorn. But this looks if anything more serious.  Saturn Pluto in Capricorn’s repressive and heavily masculine energies may just do it.

The Virgo Princess and the Scorpio Shaman



Princess Martha Louise of Norway, divorced and fourth in line of succession to the throne, has caused a flutter of excitement amongst Royal watchers by taking up with an American shaman, Durek Verrett, as a boyfriend.  He was raised in California and has had Gwyneth Paltrow amongst his clients, though caused some controversy by professing to cure cancer and reverse ageing. Martha Louise has always been interested in alternative healing and clairvoyance.

She was born 22 September 1971 5.07 pm Oslo, Norway, and has an intense other-worldly Sun Pluto in Virgo in the 8th with Venus, Uranus and a Scorpio Moon also in the 8th – so no surprises she wants to be connected to realms beyond reality. She’s also got a rather wobbly, neurotic, up-and-down Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Her new beau, 17 November 1974, California, is an intense and charming Sun Venus in Scorpio; with a determined and secretive Mars Mercury also in Scorpio and a (wide) healing though not necessarily practical Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Pisces trine Saturn in Cancer trine Mercury Mars.

His Scorpio planets will match her need for depth with a her strong 8th house; and his Pluto is conjunct her Venus for a spark of passion. But it’s not really a great mix with her contrary Mars in Aquarius clashing with his Mars.

Their relationship chart has a needs-space composite Sun Uranus; with an adventurous Uranus square Jupiter; and an unkind-treatment and one-sided composite Mars opposition Saturn.

Methinks it won’t be around for ever.

Princess Pic: Frankie Fouganthin

Jeremy Kyle – trash TV catches a tragic reality check



Jeremy Kyle, a UK tabloid talk show host has seen his highly popular series, which has run since 2005, cancelled indefinitely following the death by suicide of a guest after an as-yet un-broadcast item. The show is based on confrontations in which guests attempt to resolve issues with their significant others. During a prosecution after a violent incident on a former show, a District Judge called it “human bear-baiting”.

Kyle born 7 July 1965, is a Sun Cancer in a Water Grand Trine to Neptune in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Pluto Uranus in Virgo and square Jupiter in Gemini. A complicated individual – highly strung with so many Mutable planets and expansive, over-confident with a focal point Jupiter, not always realistic with a Water Grand Trine, a pusher of boundaries and a destabiliser with driving planets Pluto Uranus. Plus an intense Scorpio Moon.

This year’s Eclipses were always going to upset his applecart with the January Capricorn Solar Eclipse at the same degree and opposition his Sun; and the July Cancer Eclipse is conjunct his Sun.  Tr Neptune is also conjunct his Saturn and square his Jupiter, not exact, but around this year and returning from mid August and into 2020 – which is undermining. His Solar Arc Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn may also be colliding with his Moon.

He’s very unlike the original USA tabloid talk show host, Jerry Springer, 13 February 1944 11.45pm London, England, whose chart is mainly communicative Air with a dash of attention-demanding Fire. He’s a Sun Aquarius in an Air Grand Trine to a Libra Moon trine Saturn in Gemini, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Jupiter in flamboyant Jupiter in Leo. He’s got a seond Air Grand Trine of Neptune trine Mercury in Aquarius trine Uranus in Gemini, formed into a Kite by Mercury opposition influential, leadership-ability 10th house Pluto North Node in Leo. So much less emotional than Kyle, though the show ran along the same lines featuring fighting between guests. Springer’s Mars is conjunct Uranus and one side and Saturn on the other, sextile Pluto and trine both Neptune and Moon so again completely different

Washington & Beijing – provoking the dragon



Tit-for-tat increases in trade tariffs between Beijing and Washington have sent the Dow Jones into a screaming slide downwards and alarmed even Republican politicians with agricultural voters. The Washington Post announced that Trump ‘has no idea what he’s doing’ and said this was just his standard technique when nearing completion on a deal, which was expected in this case, to try to extract better terms. Except China is the wrong target to pick for idiotic games. And even Fox News’s Chris Wallace debunked Trump’s falsehood that these tariffs were a charge against China, by getting economic adviser Larry Kudlow to admit that China is not paying the tariffs. In fact, they amount to a tax on U.S. consumers.

There’s no doubt that China, even more than Iran, is Trump’s toxic hotspot. Relocating his chart there puts his bombastic, aggressive Mars in Leo in the 7th and his Pluto conjunct the Descendant from the 6th; and his Jupiter and Neptune in the 8th, suggestive of financial high hopes that run to over confidence. His relationship chart with China is grimly hostile (couldn’t be worse) with a composite Pluto, Sun, Saturn, Mars conjunction – and that isn’t ever going to sort.

Trump’s Administration chart has a financially unlucky (or self-defeating) 8th house Saturn square Mars Venus with the financial Venus conjunct Neptune.  Plus a massively over-pushy, law-unto-himself Jupiter opposition Uranus square Pluto which is being amplified by tr Pluto closing aspects to exact over the rest of this year and next. Pluto Jupiter especially can lead to conflicts with authorities because of a tendency to assume rules, regulations and laws can be ignored for self-centred reasons.

The NY Stock Exchange 17 May 1792 11.30 am has tr Neptune opposition the Mars picking up for the first time on May 1st, running on and off till late 2020, which is a classic negative for ambitions and money, bringing panicky failure. This first exact aspect sticks around till mid August. The Dow Jones, 26 May 1896 8.11 am NY, has a couple of car-crash and heavily restrictive Solar Arcs – Sun opposition Mars, and Saturn square Pluto – just over the exact aspect at the moment but still in effect for several months. With a couple of disaster-prone transits to midpoints running till late 2020.

It’s not that China don’t need reined in from their multifarious sharp practices but a blundering elephant ain’t going to get results.

Dear Lord, if I’m very good, can you please sort out politics everywhere and bring more interesting and uplifting happenings.