Billie Eilish – a dark and troubled star ++ family

Billie Eilish was another standout at Glastonbury. Despite being only 17 she’s been around on the scene for three years and has seven gold and two platinum singles to her name.

Suzanne Moore in the Guardian described her as ‘ a dark star. In control, but slightly out of it. Scarily good at tapping into the angsty teenage girl in all of us.’ She wears baggy clothes she says to attract attention and not be body-shamed.

Born 18 December 2001 at 11.30 am Los Angeles, with two entertainment business parents, she was home schooled and began singing and writing songs early, following in her older brother’s footsteps. She has said she suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome and depression.

She has a 10th house ambitious Sagittarius Sun and Venus sextile a quirky Uranus and Mercury in Capricorn also in the 10th – so is designed to communicate and be in the public eye. Her difficulties will stem in part from a 3rd house Saturn opposition Pluto square a 12th house Mars in musical Pisces – that carries a considerable amount of rage and inner conflict. Saturn Pluto can be prone to discouragement and Mars Pluto can get both scared and deeply frustrated. Not an easy burden to carry.

She will be charming with Venus on her midheaven and rather ethereal with her Aquarius Moon conjunct Neptune; as well as confident with her Jupiter opposition Mercury and trine Mars. But that Mutable Pluto Saturn Mars T Square will be quite a weight in her life.

With Jupiter moving through her 10th now for another year, she should be on a high, and will probably stay prominent for another few years. But may take a break a la Kate Bush to recuperate at some point.

Pic: © Glenn Francis,

Add On: Her brother Fineas O’Connell, 30 July 1997, also has a highly stressed Mars which is opposition Saturn square Neptune, which points like his sister to deep-seated anger issues and a sense of an under-nurturing childhood. The parents Patrick O’Connell and Maggie Baird are both minor actor/musicians who decided to home school them having seen a successful musical act of kids who had also been brought up away from mainstream education. In what sounds like a hot house environment one report has them sharing a four person bed until Fineas was 10 and Billie would be six. If true that is definitely not recommended in the psych books and would certainly skew their Mars which rules the libido and fuels anger.

Dates are from the net but if sound, father Patrick is 7 July 1977,  a controlling Sun Cancer square Pluto, with a hard-edged Mars in Taurus square Saturn. His relationship with Maggie, 30 March 1977, is hugely fraught with a composite Mars trine Saturn trine Neptune with Mars opposition Pluto; ditto with Billie and Fineas.

Mother Maggie is also controlling with her Aries Sun opposition Pluto and trine Saturn and Neptune; with has an even more stressed Mars which is on the focal point of a Yod to Saturn sextile Pluto. Her relationship charts with both children, especially Billie, reflect all that churning conflict.

These kids will need a lot of healing as they move into adulthood and it’s not easy to move away from these ‘tight’, enmeshed families since the only way of coping early on is to sugar-coat the pill and see the parents as supportive and kind. Facing the reality is acutely painful and scar.

Billie and her brother have a much more enthusiastic and less stressed relationship.

Lee Iacocca – a Libra with drive

Leo Iacocca, a legend in the US automobile industry designing and leading in Ford in the 1960s and later reviving Chrysler, has died.

He was born 15 October 1924 5pm Allentown, Pennsylvania, into a family of Italian immigrants and took a degree in industrial engineering. He was married three times but only his first lasted until his wife died. He wrote a best-selling biography and at one point contemplated going into politics and running for president but decided against it.

He had a 7th house Libra Sun which was in a dynamic trine to Mars in uncompromising Aquarius and an idealistic sextile to Neptune. His enthusiastic, communicative Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th was in a risk-taking square to Uranus which was in turn in a revolutionary trine to Pluto. He clearly wasn’t destined for an ordinary life. His publicity-attracting Mars opposition Neptune was square an indulgent, money-making 2nd house Taurus Moon – focal point Moon charts are often prominent in the public eye.

His get-it-together 5th Harmonic; philanthropic 9th harmonic; ultra-determined 11H; and both of his making-a-difference 17H and 22H – were all strongly aspected.

An interesting man.

EU musical chairs – Franco-German carve up ** add on ++

Compromise candidates have been nominated for the top EU jobs, who will require ratification by the EU Parliament on July 15th. None are from eastern Europe which may prove a problem.

Ursula von der Leyen, a staunch Merkel ally, stepped out of the shadows to be aimed for the Juncker role as Commission President. If agreed she would be the first woman to take on the role, with responsibilities for proposing new EU laws, enforcing the bloc’s rules and handling trade deals.

Born 8 October 1958, she studied economics and medicine, has seven children, has been German Minister for Defence recently and is a staunch integrationist, backing closer military co-operation in the EU. Her nomination has raised eyebrows in her home country. The FT writes: ‘ Mistrusted by her fellow Christian Democrats, pilloried by the opposition and disliked by many of the generals under her command, she cuts a lonely figure in Berlin. Few ministries have generated as many negative headlines as hers over the years.’

She is a Sun, Mercury and Venus in Libra with her Sun Mercury on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to a can-be-constructive Uranus trine Saturn; plus a ferociously determined and ruthless Mars in Gemini square Pluto; and a head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune.

Although she might seem a good fit with the EU since her Libra planets sit in the EU 1st house and many of her planets are the same being born 9 months after it was founded, she’s probably an even worse match than Juncker. On the relationship chart there’s a control-freaky and hostility-inducing composite Mars opposition Pluto square Venus which is trine/sextile a slippery, ambitious and scandal-attracting Jupiter Neptune.

Her own chart looks upbeat at the moment till late this September with tr Uranus in a ‘surprise lucky break’ opposition to her Jupiter, and again in early 2020. But there’s also a build up of Neptune first in a highly-strung and confused opposition to her Sun/Uranus late this year; and more of the same tripled from tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune in 2020/2021 at the same time as a highly uncertain tr Neptune square her dogmatic Saturn in Sagittarius. Sinkholes galore.

Christine Lagarde, 1 January 1956 1.40 pm Paris, France, the present head of the IMF, is proposed to replace Draghi at the European Central Bank (ECB). She’s an ambitious Capricorn with a formidably determined and tough Mars Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto Jupiter. She will have her sagging moments but is in better fettle with a confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Node midpoint in 2020/2021. And she also has the hard-driving and can-be-influential tr Saturn Pluto moving across her midheaven and her 10th followed in late 2020 by tr Jupiter for a successful year.

Background on Lagarde isn’t overly cheerful (URL below) so maybe I might rethink that tr Saturn Pluto through her 10th, given that the EU chart itself has a seriously unstable three years 2020 to 2023 especially on the financial front with tr Uranus bouncing off the 8th house Moon, Uranus and Venus. She’s sailed through disasters before and emerged unscathed personally though leaving a trail of wreckage behind

Charles Michel, 21 December 1975, Belgian PM, is nominated as a replacement for European Council President Donald Tusk. Born 21 December 1975 he’s a late Sun Sagittarius in a lively and argumentative opposition to Mars in Gemini. He’s looking unnerved this year and paralysed in 2020/21 though will pick up thereafter.

His relationship with the EU is friendly but fractious with a composite Sun Mercury Venus trine Mars and square Saturn; and an enthusiastic though explosive Mars Uranus Pluto trine Jupiter. He’ll be living through a rolling series of changes in the EU fairly unhappily over the next several years.

The new President of the European Parliament (and no I haven’t the foggiest why there are so many presidents and distinctions without difference all tangled up in the Brussels bureaucracy) is Italian centre-left, former journalist David-Maria Sassoli, 30 May 1956. He’s a Sun Gemini with a megaton heavyweight Mars in Aquarius opposition Jupiter Pluto in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio – super-confident and very stubborn. It’ll be a white-knuckle ride until he gets to 2021 with his Solar Arc Mars and Saturn colliding with his Neptune and Uranus. He is a key figure for the EU with a composite New Moon in the relationship chart – so a complementary fit. But he’ll be increasingly disillusioned through 2022 to 2024 with the direction it is taking.

Facebook – liberating users’ cash


Facebook’s work-in-progress cryptocurrency due for launch next year may be called Libra, which may or may not symbolically be helpful given Libras propensity for chucking money around extravagantly. Or maybe that’s the hope.

It could unlock a new era of commerce offering low or no-fee payments between friends or remittance of earnings to families from migrant workers abroad who are often gouged by money transfer services. If it sidestepped credit card transaction fees it would be a cheaper way to pay merchants for traditional ecommerce, or facilitate microtransactions for a la carte news articles or tipping of content creators.

Not everyone is enamoured of the idea. US economist Joseph Stiglitz writing in the Guardian today says: “Only a fool would trust Facebook with their financial wellbeing.” And he says it could prove problematic over money laundering.

The Facebook IPO chart, 18 May 2012 11.31am New York, does look on buoyant form in 2020/2021 with tr Pluto trine the Jupiter, moving on to trine the Sun/Jupiter midpoint the two years after that. Though it won’t be an easy run-up with Neptune and Pluto in transit blocking progress on several fronts this year till late 2020.

The original Facebook chart, 4 February 2004, is in a curious phase – stuck at the moment with Solar Arc Pluto opposition the Saturn; in the start of a long run of Neptunian high-hopes not all of which will pay dividends as it moves round the T Square of Jupiter opposition Venus square Pluto from 2019 till late 2023. With a major upheaval in 2020 from Solar Arc Sun conjunct Uranus; and a disruptive, total turnaround Solar Arc Uranus square Pluto in 2023.

Mark Zuckerburg, 14 May 1984 (time unverified) is a stalwartly determined Sun Venus in Taurus opposition Mars (Moon) and Saturn in Scorpio. He’s also moving into an oddly unsettled phase with tr Neptune square his Mars/Jupiter midpoint and conjunct his Sun/Jupiter midpoint this year and next – both of which suggest dented enthusiasm and dashed hopes. With a catastrophic tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint from mid 2020 into 2021 when he picks up a longish run of jangled tr Uranus hard aspects first in opposition to his Saturn, then conjunct his Venus, opposition Mars and finally conjunct his Sun all before Uranus moves into Gemini in late 2025. In 2022 as well he has his Solar Arc Sun opposition his Neptune which will make him untypically confused or distracted.

Charts as fixed as his don’t appreciate Uranian transits on the whole since they require adaptation to change, though they do favour IT and high technology.

Whatever happens Facebook and Zuckerburg look to be having their existence turned upside down in the first half of the 2020s.

Taylor Swift – anguished and in attack mode

A virulent spat has blown up in the higher echelons of the pop music business with Taylor Swift erupting on social media about her back catalogue being bought over by pop power-broker Scooter Braun. She accused him of ‘incessant manipulative bullying’ over years. He is a publicity-loving Svengali who plucked Justin Bieber from YouTube obscurity, masterminded the rise of Ariana Grande and served as a confidante to Kanye West, all of whom are supporting him. Chart titans have been taking sides with Harry Styles, Rihanna, Billie Eilish, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus and others all “unfollowing” Braun on Instagram. Quelle horreur.

She was born 13 December 1989 (birth times vary) and he 18 June 1981.

She’s a Sun Sagittarius with the unpredictable, can-be-chaotic triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn conjunct Mercury opposition Jupiter in Cancer; and both Pluto and Mars in unforgiving Scorpio.

Brain is a stratospherically ambitious Sun Gemini opposition a musical Neptune trine Pluto; with a hard edged and adventurous Mars in Gemini trine Saturn and Jupiter in Libra. His Saturn trines her Venus in Aquarius and his Venus in Cancer opposes her Saturn – both of which are fine for a working relationship. The major problem (without birth times) is her Mars in Scorpio exactly conjunct his Uranus which is a fairly volcanic trigger point.

Their relationship chart has two stressed Yods, suggesting a relationship that is transformative for both of them, for good or ill. There’s a simmering-rage Mars sextile Pluto inconjunct Mercury (Moon) and a chilly Sun sextile Saturn inconjunct Venus. There’s also an inspirational Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Uranus trine Venus – which if it could be made to work might provide the basis for some co-operation. But there’s probably too much aggravation and strain from the Yods to make that possible.

Evidently it is standard in the music business for artists not to own their back catalogue.

Zoe & Karl – Fire and Earth


Another set of nuptials this weekend with Big Little Lies star Zoe Kravitz marrying actor Karl Glusman at her father musician Lenny Kravitz’s Paris home.

She was born 1 December 1988 in California and is a fiery Sun Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries; with an intensely passionate Venus Pluto in Scorpio and a Virgo Moon.

Karl, 3 January 1988, is a Sun Neptune and Mercury in Capricorn with a Cancer Moon and Venus in Aquarius square Pluto and an ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio.

His Venus squares her Venus Pluto and his Mars in Scorpio opposes her Jupiter in Taurus – so it’ll be a lively, emotionally high-pitched match. Her Mars squares his Sun which will be argumentative.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction but that’s also conjunct Uranus Saturn Mercury – so there will be too much work and barriers from that at times; and tensions which erupt into the open from Saturn Uranus. There’s also composite Jupiter opposition Pluto which initially brings great confidence and mutual support but can turn into a struggle for the upper hand.

This one will be a high-wire act.

Rachel & Pasha – like attracted to like


Two Capricorns with diametrically different backgrounds got hitched in Vegas on Friday. Rachel Riley, an Oxford maths whizz with an interest in popularising the sciences, 11 January 1986, who’s also a television personality who co-presents the daytime puzzle show Countdown married Pasha Kovalev, 19 January 1980, a professional Russian dancer born in Siberia. They met when she competed on Strictly Come Dancing in 2014.

She’s a Sun Venus in Capricorn with (probably) an Aquarius Moon; while he’s a determined and controlling Sun Capricorn sextile Uranus and square Pluto with an Aquarius Moon and Venus in Pisces. His Pluto is trine her Jupiter for high enthusiasm; and square her Venus for passion; but his indulgent Venus opposition Jupiter squares her Saturn so she may criticise his extravagant habits. His Saturn in Virgo is trine her Sun which is good for practicalities but square her Uranus which will bring some rough edges.

Their relationship chart has possessive composite Sun square Pluto and an argumentative Sun Mercury square Mars, so it will get noisy at times. The composite Venus may be conjunct the Moon and is certainly sextile Uranus for fun. It won’t all be sweetness and light with Sun Pluto Mars but that will bring an intense closeness initially though I suspect problems later when it turns into a power struggle.

She is expecting a baby in December which may put a strain on them since tr Pluto will conjunct the composite Sun from early 2020 for two years.

North Korea – the Trump circus rolls on


A headline-grabbing, stage-managed visit by Trump to the demilitarized border between North and South Korea has been written off by critics as political theatre. Lots of publicity but to what end? The stalled denuclearization talks will resume but there’s no indication that Kim Jong Un is serious about getting rid of his weapons programme.

The North Korea 9 September 1948 5.27pm chart looks no more cheerful ahead than it has been as it labours under near starvation with punitive sanctions in place. Tr Neptune will continue to oppose the Virgo Sun till late this year with high-tension insecurity through the autumn and early in 2020; and will hit a financial dashed-hopes square to the Jupiter in 2020/21; doubled up by a financially disappointing Solar Arc Venus conjunct Neptune in 2020 as well; followed by a discouraging setback in 2021 as the Solar Arc Sun squares Saturn.

Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart, 20 December 2011 11.57 am Pyonggang, North Korea, having got over what could have been a terminal series of blockages in the recent past has an evasive tr Neptune square Mercury till late this year and then is facing an undermining, panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition the Mars in 2020/21. Plus the Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct the Pluto in less than a year’s time which is normally a blocked phase.

There’s nothing much that looks like progress from North Korea’s point of view. And the relationship chart between NK and the USA continues to look disappointing and high-tension for several years ahead.

Stormzy – a blast at Glastonbury


Stormzy’s performance at Glastonbury has met with rapturous reviews – ‘a historic performance that tore down barriers and moved souls’; ‘from explosive opening to explosive finale, with all kind of personal, political and emotional epiphanies occurring throughout.’

The first male black artist and first British rapper to headline the music festival, he strode on stage in a stab-proof Union Jack vest, highlighting inequality in the justice system and the arts.

Born 26 July 1993 in London, he’s become successful very quickly with only one album to his name. In the past he’s spoken out about institutionalised racism and police brutality, called Theresa May a “criminal” for her response to the Grenfell disaster and has a pointed attack on Boris Johnson in one of his songs. He’s evidently one of Jeremy Corbyn’s favourite rappers.

His Sun is in entertaining Leo in a confident sextile to Jupiter in fair-minded Libra, with an intensely emotional Scorpio Moon. His Mercury in Cancer is opposition Neptune Uranus in Capricorn contributing to his outspoken streak. He has Mars in hard working Virgo trine Uranus Neptune, sextile Pluto – so he has the power to influence and is a powder-keg of pent-up, high-octane energy. Plus a tough-minded, unyielding Pluto square Saturn.

This is an upbeat year for him with his Solar Arc Jupiter square his Sun; and tr Uranus trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint exactly at the moment.