Taylor Swift – fans delight at latest rom-com



Rapturous excitement from fans greeted Taylor Swift’s smoochy dance in public with her latest beau, Brit actor and model, Joe Alwyn, whom she’s been keeping under wraps for several months.

Born 21 February 1991 he’s a Sun Pisces square Mars in Gemini with probably a Taurus Moon and Venus in late Pisces. She’s a Sun Sagittarius with a Cancer Moon Jupiter, an ultra-determined Pluto and Mars in Scorpio, and a highly-strung collection of Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn.

Her Watery Cancer Moon Jupiter certainly chimes with his Pisces Sun; and his Venus is trine her Mars for sparks of passion.  But that apart it doesn’t look too harmonious a match. His Taurus Moon will oppose either her Mars or Pluto or both, so there will be some stubborn battles. And his Saturn is conjunct her Venus, which will create a block and cut down on warmth.

Their relationship chart echoes the plus and minus points with a hot-romance composite Venus opposition Mars; and a mutually supportive Jupiter opposition the composite Sun. But the Sun is also conjunct Saturn, which is more common in a business relationship – or one where circumstances get in the way of commitment. It puts up blocks; and with Jupiter opposition Saturn, it will blow hot and cold. The composite Moon doesn’t get much of a look in, maybe being on the focal point of a Yod to Neptune sextile Pluto – certainly favours being in the public eye, but not much personal comforting long term.

See also longer post on what makes Taylor Swift tick. August 12 2017.

One thought on “Taylor Swift – fans delight at latest rom-com

  1. Taylor’s birth time is probably wrong. The time of 8:36am is associated with a reported birth place of Wyomissing Pa that is supposedly taken from social media. She was not born in Wyomissing, and only moved there later. Taylor was born in Reading Pa at 5:17am according to a biography published in 2015.

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