Your Starsign


February 20 - March 20

Today's Horoscope for Friday November 22nd

You will not mind pushing aside frivolities and indulgences whether in over eating or overspending to get on with essentials and what is important. By the day's end you will be able to polish your halo and feel virtuous. Later you will be at your best in social or group activities. Your friendship circle will be welcoming, and you will have no shortage of invitations or ports of call when you feel inclined to be out and about to have fun.

The Weekly Outlook from 18th November

In the time ahead it may be difficult for you to open up discussions on certain topics, but it is important that you try. Find someone you can trust and start to discuss what you would like your next step to be. You will want to be able to make an impression where it matters in the days ahead. The Sun now in Sagittarius is moving across your midheaven so you will be ambitious and go-ahead, keen to be noticed and aiming for a more prominent position.

Your Monthly Horoscope for November

Flying high, you'll have a head filled with grand plans and a determination to broaden your horizons, get out of a rut and travel more if you can in coming weeks. What you need to accept is that your energy won't be limitless and since you'll not be in a mood to delegate you may land yourself with too many chores. Assuming only you can do certain tasks perfectly will cause tensions and companions will back away. Try not to over commit yourself and end up draining your stamina. Luckily warm-hearted friends will rally round after the 11th to brighten your mood and keep you entertained. A sudden change of plan around the 17th could bring new opportunities or cause some disruption. Try to look before you leap into action and consider all the possible consequences of your decision. The Sun at your midheaven after the 21st will find you taking the lead and insisting that you get the attention you reckon you deserve. But you'll also need to take time out to reflect on highly personal matters.

and Next Month's Horoscope for December

In your peak period of the year you'll be aiming high, taking the lead and expecting others to follow behind. Hard work will be inevitable but effort will pay off in recognition, praise and progress. You'll need to put as much attention towards staying fit and boosting your stamina as you do towards tackling projects. Luckily there will be amiable and restful moments at home with loved ones when you can thankfully sink back into a chair at home and do less. Finding the right balance in your schedule will help. You won't be socialising as much for a few weeks so you'll need to pamper yourself when you can. Though in the final days you won't go short of friends to offer support and appreciation and to give you optimism in sorting out your plans for the coming year.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will find you in a go-ahead mood in the early months, keen to blow cobwebs away, stay in touch with a wide circle of friends and make for plans for the longer term. You will also be aware of an equal and opposite urge to find quality time for reflection in a protected corner. Pluto moving into the sign before yours hints that getting a better perspective on the past and plumbing your inner depths will bring fulfilment and clarity over time. There will be times when you are serious, realistic and clear that letting go what belongs to the past is crucial; and other times where you drift along ducking decisions. What will be important is taking direct action where your personal finances are concerned. That will be an imperative from April onwards for a few months. Perseverance will pay off. Your negotiating skills will bring results and in general your persuasive powers and easy way with words mean the early months will glide by without too many wrinkles. From the middle of the year you will move into a contented phase at home, within yourself and mellower relationships within the family extending into 2025. The October eclipse hints that altering the way you share, care, and relate over money or in your closest relationships will bring increased security and emotional satisfaction.