Your Starsign


October 23 - November 22

Today's Horoscope for Thursday February 13th

You will need friends around to make you feel loved and appreciated and to give you feedback about your plans. Obviously no one makes your mind up but you. But that doesn't mean to say testing out ideas and picking up more information will not be useful. A new depth of feeling will gradually be entering your life bringing with it a capacity for sharing, caring and co-operating warmly. Your intimate relationships will bring you more fulfilment as Jupiter dissolves the barriers you have erected to keep closeness at bay.

The Weekly Outlook from 10th February

You may be a touch headstrong and impulsive. Pause and consider whether you want to take responsibility for the consequences of what you decide to do or say. You may dash ahead and later regret having been so hasty. Don't get stuck in a difficult situation if it feels insufferable, but don't go too wildly over the top. After midweek you'll be keen to attract attention and prominence at work or in your community activities. Give your ambitions a nudge.

Your Monthly Horoscope for February

Home will be where your heart is and where you would prefer to spend most time, with your feet up, reflecting on recent events and having heart-to-heart chats with loved ones. Taking time out of a busy schedule will be wise since you need a chance to recharge as well as to turn your attention to domestic and family matters. You'll be happy to lend a hand if those close are in need of help and won't worry about your own wishes for a while. Over eating could be a minor problem if you try to compensate for what you feel you lack elsewhere in your life. In the second week you may have a difference of opinion with a close companion which will be resolved if you do not over react and jump to conclusions. It won't always be easy since you won't feel like backing down or compromising. But least said, soonest mended. After midmonth, you'll be into a few sociable, fun-loving weeks when your mischievous comments will bring applause and invitations will roll in faster.

and Next Month's Horoscope for March

A fun-loving Pisces Sun until the 20th will put you in good spirits with social invitations, compliments and appreciative glances coming your way. You may not be in a mood for work or being helpful but in your own way you'll be entertaining, amusing and boosting the morale of loved ones and friends. You'll also be pushing your pet causes and expressing your enthusiastic views with vigour. There will be moments where those close may land heavy responsibilities on you which will damp your mood briefly and other times when confusion reigns so you'll need to be clear about what is really going on. Into the final ten days hard work will be back on the agenda but you will have friendly support from those around so tackling chores won't be as tedious. Turning your attention to staying fit and improving your stamina will be wise.

Year Ahead 2025

Always an emotionally intense sign, you will be keen to negotiate changes in the family with as little drama as possible. You will have firm ideas about the changes you envisage bringing good results but not all of those close will agree. So you will have to soft pedal on demands and be patient as well as persistent. Regard this as a marathon task, more steady walking than sprinting. You?ll get there eventually with better relationships and more mature connections. Recent events have not all been easy but they have deepened your understanding of the meaning of your life and brought you closer to the right people. The slow transformation behind the scenes will continue for another few months, bringing with it coincidentally more money to keep you secure. Looking after fitness and efficiency will become a priority as Saturn and Neptune together move into Aries mid-year. Additional chores will require you stay on good form so altering your lifestyle to suit the demands on your energy will be wise. Across the middle months of the year more planetary shifts will bring on the one hand high enthusiasm, a wish to spread your lively opinions in all directions, a yearning to travel extensively ? and an equal and opposite drive to explore the mysteries of life in private. Psychic experiences are possible if you are open to the realms beyond the rational. Not that you can always believe your hunches but it will be a learning opportunity. In the final months you?ll be putting your concentration behind sorting out a longer term strategy and finding that feedback from your friendship circle will be invaluable.