Prince William – the reluctant royal

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Prince William has earned unwelcome headlines and criticism for skipping off to Switzerland for a boozy ski-ing and apres-ski nightclubbing weekend minus wife; and in process missing a Royal turnout for the Commonwealth Day services. He’s already under fire for being work-shy, though he doesn’t give up his air ambulance job till mid year to focus exclusively on royal duties thereafter.

He does have tr Saturn exactly on his Ascendant at the moment, heading downward into his first quadrant, which is usually a time when people want to work less hard and have a more private existence. So his motivation won’t be there. Though Jupiter will move across his midheaven from this November for a year which will boost his reputation and make him more visible.

The Duchess of Cambridge has been through a tough time – even though in a feather-bedded lifestyle – with tr Pluto conjunct her Capricorn Sun from this February onwards for two years (and probably opposition her Moon in 2015/16) – so massive challenges and pressures. And that will have reflected on their relationship, so maybe he just needed some breathing space. February saw tr Pluto square their composite Saturn which would have been a heavy slog. And both of them have tr Uranus opposition their Pluto this year, so it is a time of huge disruption, perhaps with the prospect of moving at least week days into Kensington Palace in London from September.

She looks undermined from April onwards, less than confident; really crowded and frustrated again this June; and seriously aggravated in Sept/Oct this year as well. With a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Uranus in 6 months’ time – so she’s going through an almighty upheaval.

He’s a bit of a drama queen, like his mother, with Jupiter on his MC, though clearly not as enamoured with the publicity and parading that goes with the job.

He looks overly confident this month; and also less than ecstatic come Sept/Oct. I’d wonder about that tr Saturn into his first quadrant which lasts for several years. He doesn’t really look as if he’ll have the drive needed for a full-scale royal lifestyle during that – but since his father is aiming for 70 and his grandmother is into her 90s, he won’t have any option but to step up.

6 thoughts on “Prince William – the reluctant royal

  1. Any thoughts on Harry bearing some of the serious burden of the Royal Family, apart from being the goofy baby Royal? Also, how do William and Harry’s charts compare to say Charles and Andrew’s?

    • Not sure about Charles and Andrew, but I think Harry has been “typecasted”, in a way, by the press. I think the goofy bit is typical younger brother survival mechanism – especially since the brothers were born only two years apart. He is “upplaying” his Sadgittarius to survive. But. I think he is actually very devoted to tradition, with his Taurus Moon conjunct IC and Saturn Conjunct MC. Also, Virgo Sun and Mercury (not conjuct), and Capricorn Ascendant, so he has all the Earth his brother lacks. So, I think he is a much bigger influence in grounding William than we think (Duchess Catherine certainly does that). We’ve always seen William as the protective big brother, but Harry also has a role in keeping William “real”.

  2. It is pretty clear that he is wrong for the job. Buckingham has to think long term, QE and Charles won’t be around for long. If Will takes the helm, it’s going to be the Middletons who will really be in charge. They’ll spoil Will, let him do whatever he wants while they control everything. The Middletons are the Kardashians of UK, very money oriented.

    • I have to disagree here on Prince William not being right for the job. Although, I don’t know who’d be “right for the job”. I think being a heir to a Royal Crown is something we commoners can’t fully understand (so no wonder Duchess, who wasn’t raised into this, is stressed out…). All I can say is Prince William does have his own, strong will, and it’s quite clear from his chart. He has a strong Cancer/Libra signature, and no matter how sweet and unassuming people with this signature seem, they aren’t doormats. Yes, I see his Mars is in detriment, but then again, likes of Nelson Mandela and Pope Francis have this Mars, and Prince William’s is conjunct his Saturn, something I’d expect from a Martial Arts experts. There are other “royal” indicators too, Sadgittarius Rising isn’t bad, and it’s sextile Pluto, meaning that when needed, Prince William can project great power. That “drama queen” Jupiter/MC won’t hurt either in appearing Royal. Before Princess Diana became a tabloid seller, she was everybody’s living Fairytale Princess. Her early styling was pure Disney, even if she wore her hair short.

      Also, I have to say, Middletons are nothing compared to Lord Mountbatten as an influence. Remember that if he’d had their way, they’d changed the name of The House from Windsor to Mountbatten.

      So, I think Wills will be just fine!

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