New Zealand – at a crossroads, with a Uranus Return and more



New Zealand, like California, is feeling not just the winds of change but a full-on force 9 gale approaching. New Zealand became self-governing on 17 January 1853, so just two years after California became a state. The NZ chart has Sun Mars in late Capricorn square Pluto in Aries and Uranus in early Taurus. So there will be an extended period of upheaval and radical change as tr Uranus squares the Sun Mars and conjuncts Pluto in 2018; and then moves onto a Uranus return in 2019; followed in the early 2020s by tr Pluto conjunct Sun Mars and square Pluto. It will be fairly similar to the Depression of the 1930s which did hit NZ hard.

It may be partly economic because of Jacinda Ardern’s new centre-left government which has hit business confidence, with Forbes suggesting a recession is inevitable during her term. She is intent on re-asserting government controls which were lifted in the 1980s leading to unprecedented economic growth, and it became one of the richest countries in the world. Drought may also be an increasing problem as well as natural disasters.

4 thoughts on “New Zealand – at a crossroads, with a Uranus Return and more

  1. I do wonder about using this 1853 chart, instead of the 1840 Feb 6 treaty signing now celebrated as Waitangi Day:

    However as the 1853 chart has MC at 23 Cancer and there will be the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction at 22.50 Capricorn on the 13th Nov 2020, pretty much exactly when the next election will fall, Jacinda’s first as PM, we may get a good chance to check its relevance?

    Not that it’s clear to me how such a powerful influence might manifest; a landslide (Jupiter) for someone? The gov because it is one of renewal (Pluto), or the regressive opposition because they are power hungry and manipulative (Pluto)?


  2. New Zealand has, practically since it’s mid 19th Century beginnings, been heavily reliant on international trade and more latterly tourism, which depends ever more strongly and worryingly on China. A major geopolitical upheaval in North East Asia and the South China sea, which appears imminent, disrupting carefully constructed trading and tourism relationships, is a serious threat to New Zealand’s prosperity. More optimistically, Britain’s withdraw from the Brussels Bloc may come in time to rescue the situation and return trading links somewhat closer to the status quo ante pre 1973.


    Southwest B.C. — including Vancouver Island — has been waiting for “the big one” for years now. North along the coast of British Columbia, at least one Indigenous community has built its town high above the waterline because their oral histories confirm scientific evidence that a massive, killer tsunami hit their coast around 1700. I wish my niece wasn’t living in Victoria…

  4. Both NZ and California are vulnerable to large Earthquakes – and both have worsening transits indicative of significant, sudden shocks. Where is Neptune and Jupiter in the 2018-2020 CA-NZ charts? Any powerful (around 8+) earthquake in either country would almost certainly trigger a tsunami. A challenging Neptune/Jupiter placement in addition to the other aspects mentioned in the article above would strengthen the case for ‘a big one’ on its way. More so if Algol is lurking in a critical degree. If not, then perhaps an economic shock is more likely, which at least would not result in the loss of so many lives.

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