Melissa Shepard –

The Canadian ‘black widow’ Melissa Shepard has been released from prison with warnings from the police about giving her a wide berth since she’s likely to re-offend. She was convicted for the manslaughter of her first husband in 1991 and theft; and attempted a repeat performance with another of her husbands in 2012 whom she drugged and stole from.

Born 16 May 1935, she looks like a sweet as pie, rosy-cheeked 80 year old in her photographs. Her Taurus Sun is conjunct the Fixed star Algol, known as evil and the destroyer. Her Sun also opposes money-oriented Jupiter in Scorpio.  Her Pluto in Cancer opposes a Capricorn North Node, arguably setting her against the zeitgeist and the rule of law and order.

She’s possibly got a Water Grand Trine of a Scorpio Moon trine Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces opposition Neptune – so lives in an emotional fantasy land.

Her actress’ 15th Harmonic is a mix of charm and nastiness; while her 9H which indicates her preferred marital partner has an unkind and aggressive tone plus an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine – dead husbands as a business plan.

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