Priyanka Chopra – beautfiul and tough

Priyanka Chopra


Priyanka Chopra is a Bollywood star who is taking Hollywood by storm at the moment. She’s playing the lead as Alex Parrish in the successful first season Quantico TV thriller series; and is filming the action comedy Baywatch at the moment. At weekends she nips back to Mumbai to continue her award-winning Indian film career, with several dozen movies to her credit. She also sings, is well known on the celebrity circuit and does philanthropic work for women and girls’ education. It’s exhausting just writing it down.

Born 18 July 1982 1.05am Jamshedpur, India, she has a quick-witted, communicative 3rd house Cancer Sun which is in a square to a formidably determined Pluto Mars Saturn conjunction in Libra; with Pluto conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio.

Her 1st house Gemini Moon is trine Saturn Mars; her Venus in Gemini opposes an 8th house Neptune and she has Uranus in the 7th – which all adds up to a very complicated emotional life, with commitment being tricky.  Neptune in the 8th bodes well for a super-star image.

Tr Saturn is moving upwards through her 3rd quadrant so a good deal ahead for her career-wise, some of which may involve producing or directing since she has Saturn natally in her 5th. Though this is a year of ups and downs with tr Uranus square her Sun and opposition her Pluto from late this month on and off for a year. So huge changes; a great deal of pressure from tr Pluto square her Saturn also in 2016/17. But she’s clearly not a lady who likes an easy life.

Her actresses’ 15th Harmonic is strong as is her creative 5H.

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